About Primary Breathe Australia

Understanding chronic breathlessness

  • Chronic breathlessness is experienced by a quarter of older adults, and is particularly prevalent among the 7 million Australians with chronic respiratory diseases including chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD), and often persists despite optimal disease management.

  • Many health professionals report a limited understanding of managing breathlessness.

  • Research indicates patients find it difficult to talk about their breathlessness with health professionals, however, patients express willingness to better manage their symptoms.

Improving the recognition and management of chronic breathlessness

Our aim

The Primary Breathe Australia research program aims to improve the recognition and management of breathlessness experienced by people with chronic respiratory disease living in the community.

Based on the ideas and methodology developed by our sister Primary Breathe UK research program, we will develop and test a new breathlessness support program delivered in the community underpinned by training and education for healthcare professionals and technology to support patients, carers and healthcare professionals.

Our goals

The Primary Breathe Australia research program goals are to:

  • increase awareness and improve recognition of chronic breathlessness in the community through education and information, specifically designed for healthcare professionals, patients and their carers

  • empower patients to improve the self-management of breathlessness with the support of their primary care team through a structured symptom support program

  • developing technological tools for patients, carers and healthcare professionals to better recognise and manage chronic breathlessness long term.

Our Research Program

Take a glimpse into our research program, to see how we plan to address the unmet need of those suffering from chronic breathlessness

Developing New Tools & Technology

  • An interactive website for patients and carers to support self-management of breathlessness

  • Succinct evidence-based recommendations to optimise chronic respiratory diseases that cause chronic breathlessness

  • Future Health Today-respiratory is a clinical decision aid for primary care healthcare professionals to improve recognition of chronic breathlessness and optimise management of chronic respiratory illnesses

Co-Designing Breathlessness Care

  • In partnership with patients, carers and healthcare professionals, we will design a structured symptom support program to improve the management of chronic breathlessness in primary care.

An Implementation Clinical Trial

  • In 2025 we will commence a clinical trial to evaluate the efficacy of a co-designed structured symptom support program delivered by nurses in primary care. The main outcome of this trial will include mastery of chronic breathlessness and quality of life.

  • Within the clinical trial, we will undertake a process evaluation to examine implementation outcomes, including real-world feasibility, acceptance, and sustainability of the program.

  • To find out more about our clinical trial, or to get involved, please contact us.