Research opportunities

Breathlessness Intervention


Website Evaluation

Randomised Clinical Trial

Breathlessness Intervention Co-Design

This study aims to co-design a nurse-led, non-pharmacological intervention to support the identification and management of people with chronic breathlessness. The co-design will then be tested in a randomised controlled trial to determine efficacy.

Who can participate?
We are looking for:

  • Healthcare professionals and support staff working in primary care or nursing homes including general practitioners, practice nurses and practice managers.

  • People experiencing moderate to severe chronic breathlessness, and their carers

What is involved?
Participation in this study will involve a one-on-one interview with one of the research team via Zoom. You will be asked questions regarding your experience and opinions on a proposed breathlessness intervention. The interview will take about 30-60 minutes via Zoom, and will be conducted at a time that suits you best. All information collected will be anonymous and confidential.

In recognition of your time and contribution, you will receive a $100 gift voucher.

If you would like to be involved, or to obtain further information, click here.

Website Evaluation

This study aims to evaluate and enhance a website that supports chronic breathlessness self-management. The final website will be used in our randomised controlled trial to support the management of chronic breathlessness in the community.

Who can participate?
We are looking for:

  • Healthcare professionals and support staff working in primary care or nursing homes including general practitioners, practice nurses and practice managers.

  • People experiencing moderate to severe chronic breathlessness, and their carers

What is involved?
Participation in this study will involve a one-on-one interview with one of the research team via Zoom. You will be asked questions regarding your opinions on the website. The interview will take about 30-60 minutes via Zoom, and will be conducted at a time that suits you best. All information collected will be anonymous and confidential.

In recognition of your time and contribution, you will receive a $100 gift voucher.

If you would like to be involved, or to obtain further information, click here.

Seeking expressions of interest for our clinical trial

We are seeking expressions of interest from general practices that may be interested in becoming trial sites for our trial commencing 2025. Trial sites will receive honoraria for their participation. This trial will evaluate the efficacy of a nurse-led non-drug approach to improve chronic breathlessness in the community.

If you would like to be involved, or to obtain further information, click here.